Maxwell Guide to Facebook’s Click to Messenger Ads

Jan 12, 2022
Maxwell Guide to Facebook’s Click to Messenger Ads

Boost your sales with Click to Messenger Ads

In 2019, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg mentioned that private messaging is by far the fastest-growing kind of online communication. In the same year Click to Messenger Ads were among the fastest growing Facebook ad formats. It’s clear that Click to Messenger Ads are here to stay.

With more than 1.3bn users and a global pandemic, chances are high that your target audience is also using Facebook Messenger.

As James Cooper of Convoboss advises, “use Facebook Click-to-Messenger ads to increase your return on ad spend by 3-5x over that of Click-to-Website ads.” This means that $100 spend on Click to Messenger Ads will likely give you 3 to 5 times more sales than Facebook Ads that redirect people to your website.


The secret? You’re buying subscribers instead of visitors. Let me explain this with a simple comparison:

Click to Website Ads. Clicks to your website will enable you to show products and drive awareness. The same people can be retargeted with additional Facebook Ads to buy even more clicks. Typically every click will cost you $3-5 and give you more visitors.

Click to Messenger Ads. Clicks to Messenger will enable you to instantly have 1:1 automated conversations. The same people can be retargeted with FREE follow-up messages to move from buying intent to purchase. Typically every click will cost you $1-3 and give you more subscribers.


The result? 3-5x higher return on your Facebook Ad spend. But before you do the math, let’s first look at 5 best practices to consider for your campaigns:

  1. Set ‘Messages’ as your campaign objective. This ensures your ads are shown to people who are more likely to respond to your business in Messenger. Use the ‘Messenger Inbox’ placement to target people who are actively using Facebook’s messaging service.
  2. Target people similar to existing customers with core targeting and lookalike audiences.
  3. Use your Facebook Ad to manage expectations. Add text, videos, images, and CTA to explain the click will result in a Messenger conversation.
  4. Set a greeting text and offer a simple quick reply with Maxwell’s message template.
  5. Test and optimize your approach. Test different variations of ad creative and greeting text. Use Messenger engagement inside Facebook Ads Manager to compare engagement metrics.


Adopt these best practices to improve your return on Click to Messenger Ad spending. To put this into context even further, Click to Messenger campaigns work particularly well for 2 verticals:

  • eCommerce: guided selling
  • Professional services: lead generation

As this article is aimed at Shopify stores, you are in luck! Click to Messenger Ads might just be the one thing you do to set new sales records. Sounds good? Ok – let’s get your first campaign live in 3 steps.


Launch your campaign in 3 steps with Maxwell

Step 1: Choose your Facebook Ad objective


Go to your Facebook Ads Manager and create a Facebook Ad. Choose ‘Messages’ as Campaign Objective.


Step 1 Messenger Marketing


Setup your Click to Messenger Ad and select your audience targeting, placements, budget like you do with normal Facebook Ads. The main difference is that you choose Messenger as the destination.


Step 2: Paste Maxwell’s Message Template to your Click to Messenger Ad

Setup your message template with our Shopify app. Select Advanced Setup and click on Edit.

Messenger Marketing step 2


Now, go to our Shopify app to get the message template. Click ‘Copy JSON’ to get the template.

Messenger marketing step 2.2


Return to your Facebook Ad Manager to paste the JSON into the Advanced JSON Setup. Click on ‘Save and Finish’.

Messenger marketing step 2.3

Step 3: Go live with your Click to Messenger Ad campaign

Go live with your campaign. Click on the Publish button. You’re ready to start attracting new customers and boost your sales 👏.

The end result

With the Maxwell message template and the above best practices, a Click to Messenger campaign will loork like this:

Maxwell Facebook Messenger marketing campaign look


Pro tip: send follow-up messages to announce that a sale is ending. Use Maxwell’s broadcasting feature to send the follow-up messages at specific time intervals. For example, 12 hours and 3 hours before the sale is ending.

Why Click to Messenger Ads are a safe bet

This season offers a great opportunity to test Click to Messenger Ads and share exclusive discounts with shoppers. As this is a time-sensitive sale period, you can also send highly effective follow-up messages to announce the sale is ending. This will greatly increase your chance of running a successful campaign.

Benchmark your Click to Messenger campaign results with normal Click to Website campaigns. You should be seeing a 3-5x improvement on your typical return on ad spending (ROAS). Make sure to follow best practices and use Maxwell’s free tools for Click to Messenger Ads and sending follow-up messages with Broadcast Campaigns.


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